Following: we select all three rectangles at once. We make the buttons and forms panel visible from the window > interactive menu. Above this, in the type drop-down we select text field . Next we can configure the font, size and version of the font with which we are going to write in these text fields. Panel buttons and forms how to create interactive documents in indesign step 2. Radio button once we have the text fields ready, we are going to select the two marital status squares. Through these, we will add some option buttons so that the recipient can select one of them. To create those radio buttons, we go back to the buttons and forms panel. Now in the type dropdown, we select radio button .
By default, both buttons will appear activated in the normal position and this is not what we are interested in. To solve it, we select each button individually and in the appearance sectionwe click on the second option, where you can see a white square whatsapp number list instead of the black point. In this way, both buttons will appear disabled in their normal state and by clicking on the button we will select the desired option. Radio button how to create interactive documents in indesign to check what we
have done so far, we are going to export by going to the menu file > export > adobe pdf (interactive). Let's see the result in the following image. How to create interactive documents in indesign fill in fields step 3. Buttons to submit and delete form in this step we are going to create two buttons, a fundamental part of knowing how to make an interactive document in indesign. We will configure one of them to send the form to an email account and the other to delete all the filled in fields. To carry out